Wednesday, April 13, 2005

News today

Not much to write about today except: Oman has now decided not to issue business visit visas. Our PRO came back today with 2 applications. We can apply for express visas (valid for 3 weeks) though. How thoughtful. And they want people to come and do business here. I shant say much as the less said the better. Remember post it notes? Those little yellow sticky notes, so useful that you cant think how life would be without them. Forget your PDA’s blackberries and appointment notes – those little wonders are so good they make sure you don’t forget anything. They are celebrating their 25th anniversary this April. Can you believe its 25 years since they were invented? Makes you wonder even after 25 years you cant get the glue on the damn things to last more than 2 days! They come in various other bright colours these days. And Dell, the computer maker who revolutionized branded PCs to tailor make it to the customers needs had just launched a 24” TV monitor. It can also be used as a PC monitor and you can see Tv as well work on your PC at the same time. But wait, how can do these 2 things at the same time? And guess the price? About 600 rials!! I can get a 29” flat screen for that money.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Krasnoyarsk-26 is an underground city in Siberia. It houses more than 100,000 people, almost all of whom are scientists and researchers. Its doesnt have any official recognition and is not listed on any map. Its a secret city. Once inside, the residents are forbidden to have any contact with the outside world. They cant have visitors and cant discuss anything they do with anyone. Anybody who breaks the rule faces immediate death. (they sign this when they enter the city). Krasnoyarsk-26 is a wealthy city and all its residents have plush houses and everything anyone would need to live a luxurios life. So what do the people do? and what is the purpose of Krasnoyarsk-26? Krasnoyarsk-26 produces plutonium. The one that is used to make atomic bombs and nuclear weapons. It has 3 nuclear reactors which work round the clock. All the energy consumption of the city is also powered by one of these reactors. It was founded in 1950. And there are about 13 more such cities! Amazing aint it? 2 of the 3 reactors have forced to shut down - partly because of US pressure and mostly because of was getting very expensive to maintain (secretly). The 3rd reactor also cleverly provides electricity to the nearby towns. which is why it hast been shut down yet. They make their money by selling this weapons grade plutonium to other countries. The countries rumoured to have bought from one of these cities are Iran, Iraq,Pakistan, China, North Korea and a host of African states. Our friend Osama is also rumoured to have bought some from here through intermidiaries in Eastern Europe. Ill give more on this city and others a little later as I just remembered to buy something (oops! me and my big mouth :))

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The irony of life

Very often we see petite housemaids cleaning (struggling) their master’s car hot days in any posh locality. It makes me angry, sad and apathetic at the same time. Angry because how can someone have the housemaid clean the car outside in the sun like this, as if keeping her like a de facto slave for 24 hours who is at your every beck and call, is not enough. Men should do things like these not women folk. Would that guy have his wife/sister/daughter/mother wash his car for him? Sad because the poor thing cant do anything about it and she will continue to suffer. This probably might even be an escape, albeit for a few minutes, from her fat ass lazy mistress who other than ordering her, beats her with anything she can get hold of. Apathetic because what can I do, did I do for her or the likes of her? On the topic of housemaids and irony together, I got these thoughts (mortal ones) in my head: Ironic that we pay a fortune to our kids swimming instructor for a few hours of swimming lessons but cant part with a little bonus for the housemaid who takes care of that very kid 24/7 and actually replaces the mother most times of the day. Ironic that we can pay in excess of 50-100 bucks per month for our kids school fees but wont like to pay more that 5-10 bucks to the cleric who would teach our kids our holy book and religion. Ironic we can shell a rial or two as tip everytime we fill our bellies but cant get to give our servant, office boy, driver a tip even on his religious days. Ironic we can remember the faces of actors of a movie seen years ago but cant remember the face of guy who cleans our office/building everyday.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

What news?

No news is good news. But not in this cocoon of the world. Here any news is good news. Perhaps its because of the lack of it or perhaps its because we don’t deserve it. But then why does it incite people to ask “so, what news?” At times, for lack of answer (or lack of news) I often reply quoting the recent price of oil or which cable of greeting was sent in reply to which cable. I heard someone once saying the Omani’s are amongst the most educated of the GCC lot. If its true then why is there such a vacuum of news then? Educated people need news to keep them updated on the world. And if its not true then why isn’t more effort given to get more news? In this era how can someone not afford to be uneducated and not informed at the same time? Surely Al Jazeera wont have all the anwers. Whats news then? Nuffin.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Mortal thoughts... the begining

WOW! I finally managed to have me own blog! I have always thought of starting a blog since a long time but my thoughts never got a voice and died as thoughts. Hence the title “mortal thoughts”. Speaking of mortal – I wonder what is it that makes us humans feel we are immortal? I mean the way we behave and live as if we are going to live for a zillion years. Not trying to get philosophical here, but I am writing this after an incident. An Omani friend got promoted to a very high govt. position recently. He was the boy next door kinda guy, you know affable, eating shawarma at the roadside café types. We knew each other since some time and he had a reasonable amount of money and drove a Maxima. So he became this Mr. High position guy and I wanted to call him up immediately and congratulate him. I called his mobile and guess what? Phone was disconnected. I later found out that he had changed his number. Never mind, he is a big shot now he deserves to have his old pals not bother him. But he would surely be pleased to meet me though, or so I thought. I went to his ministry only to find out he is extremely busy and cant see anyone till 3 weeks later, conveyed by his secretary who gave a facial expression that said “buzz off”. I confidently told her my name and asked her to convey this to her boss. Visibly irritated, she relented and came back (rather triumphant) with the same answer – an appointment after 3 weeks! I couldn’t believe my ears. Maybe he really was busy. What the hell, Ill come back after 3 weeks. In the run up to those 3 weeks I found out that the guy changed his house, his car, his servants and his friends. Good to know he didn’t change his kids and wife. 3 weeks later I was in his office at the given time and was made to wait for a full 30 minutes before his secretary ushered me in his office. The man didn’t stand up to greet me nor did he bother to raise his head. So, he had even changed his attitude! I congratulated him and got an ephemeral thanks. We sat in silence for some time before he said he had to go somewhere in 5 minutes. I got up, said thanks to him and vanished. God knows what he thinks he had become and how long does he think he will have it all. Remember Saddam? Some tidbits- From the Daily mail, UK – A notice at the rail station car park in Guildford, Surrey: “We regret to announce that this car park will be free until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but it is due to circumstances beyond our control” An apology I would gladly accept!!! A man in Chile won a car after kissing it for 54 hours 22 minutes nonstop. He was given the keys only after his remaining rival fainted. “My desire for the car was more” he quipped.