News today
Not much to write about today except:
Oman has now decided not to issue business visit visas. Our PRO came back today with 2 applications. We can apply for express visas (valid for 3 weeks) though. How thoughtful. And they want people to come and do business here. I shant say much as the less said the better.
Remember post it notes? Those little yellow sticky notes, so useful that you cant think how life would be without them. Forget your PDA’s blackberries and appointment notes – those little wonders are so good they make sure you don’t forget anything. They are celebrating their 25th anniversary this April. Can you believe its 25 years since they were invented? Makes you wonder even after 25 years you cant get the glue on the damn things to last more than 2 days! They come in various other bright colours these days.
And Dell, the computer maker who revolutionized branded PCs to tailor make it to the customers needs had just launched a 24” TV monitor. It can also be used as a PC monitor and you can see Tv as well work on your PC at the same time. But wait, how can do these 2 things at the same time? And guess the price? About 600 rials!! I can get a 29” flat screen for that money.