Sunday, April 03, 2005

What news?

No news is good news. But not in this cocoon of the world. Here any news is good news. Perhaps its because of the lack of it or perhaps its because we don’t deserve it. But then why does it incite people to ask “so, what news?” At times, for lack of answer (or lack of news) I often reply quoting the recent price of oil or which cable of greeting was sent in reply to which cable. I heard someone once saying the Omani’s are amongst the most educated of the GCC lot. If its true then why is there such a vacuum of news then? Educated people need news to keep them updated on the world. And if its not true then why isn’t more effort given to get more news? In this era how can someone not afford to be uneducated and not informed at the same time? Surely Al Jazeera wont have all the anwers. Whats news then? Nuffin.


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